Steve, 31, and Susan Pope, 27, lost everything they owned.

Their house on Beeston Street was totally gutted, and four neighbouring homes - including sheltered flats for the elderly - were damaged and had to be evacuated.

Leading firefighter Eric Davies said: "It just got worse and worse. Nine men attended the scene. We were driven back by heat and flames as we got to the door.

"We had only been there a couple of minutes when the windows blew out. Fire engulfed the entire property."

Susan's mum and dad, Lyndell and Anne Johnson, who live next door but one, said their daughter was sat in the kitchen when the fire started, near the electrics under the stairs.

"Steve saw the pram was on fire and threw it out of the door. But the coats must have been burning as well," said Anne.

"Fortunately their six-year-old daughter, Natalie, had just come downstairs and they managed to escape.

"If it had been minutes later she'd have been trapped in the house. If it had been night time there's no way they would have survived.

"They've lost absolutely everything. All they have now is what they were standing in and Susan had a pen in her hand. She was in a bad way and also suffers from asthma."

Lyndell added: "We've been trying for ages to get the borough council to put an escape route at the front of the house.

"The only way out is at the back next to the kitchen - where most fires start. There's a lot of elderly people round here who could easily become trapped."

The fire has sparked concern from other residents who feel the same way.

May Taylor, 78, lives underneath the Popes' house and had to move out on Sunday night because of smoke and water damage.

She said: "I've got high blood pressure and nerves, this hasn't helped.

"Next door must feel even worse. They are an elderly couple and have had to go to the Limes Residential Home.

"Vale Royal put new windows in the flats recently and we asked for a door to be put in at the front."

The cause of the fire is currently being investigated.

Head of housing management with Vale Royal Borough Council, Stewart Russell, said: "These flats and maisonettes are no different to thousands, even millions, up and down the country.

"They all have one access and exit which is considered adequate in terms of safety and does meet the requirements of fire regulations.

"We are still waiting for the officer's report. We will study this and take into account any recommendations made.

"We are obviously concerned about the fire and anxious to learn any lessons from it."

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