CHAMPION fund-raisers who have already notched up £1.5million in the fight against cancer are now aiming to raise a further £100,000 by the end of this year.

With two scanner appeals under their belts the women of the After Breast Care Association are spearheading an appeal for a specialist umbrella unit at Leighton Hospital.

Plans to put all of the services connected with the prevention and treatment of the cancer and other breast problems under one roof were sparked by consultant general surgeon George Rawsthorne.

The Area Health Authority have pledged £120,000 earmarked for local breast care to the scheme.

But once again the small band of dedicated fund-raisers, some former breast cancer sufferers themselves, are rallying to the new challenge.

"It's quite a tall order, but, with the help of the generous people of South Cheshire, we are hoping to reach our target yet again," said ABC chairman, Jean Morris.

At the moment the relevant services are dotted around the hospital. The unit will include mammography, prosthetics, screening, counselling and also house the Macmillan Nurses.

"It will also provide the pleasant, friendly environment so important to women who may be anxious and fearful," said Jean.

Mr Rawsthorne is delighted that the fund-raisers are pitching in again.

"We are confident that this new unit will be of great benefit to patients. The fundraisers are doing an excellent job, as ever, and we are naturally very happy that they are supporting this cause," he said.

Jean knows all about the fight against breast cancer, having won her battle some years ago.

She pioneered the original fund-raising efforts and was a founder member of the Mastectomy Support Group that launched the bid for Leighton's CAT scanner and has since transformed into the ABC Association.

With one mission accomplished, they turned their fund-raising skills to boosting Leighton's current Mighty Magnet Appeal for a state of the art MRI scanner.

Last November they handed over a cheque for £250,000 to Magnet Chairman Peter Foden. This magnificent effort sent their total cash haul since 1988 soaring to £1.5million.

The £1million Magnet Appeal is now approaching the £900,000 mark.

Fund-raisers for the Breast Care Unit are already underway. They include a 'Just You' Fashion Show at Alsager Civic Centre on March 19 and 'Dance with Adrian' plus a meat and pie supper at Crewe's Manchester Univerisity campus on March 7.

The fund-raisers can be contacted at Leighton on 01270 612371. Jean Morris will also be glad to provide further information on 569459.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.