HEADTEACHER David Black this week reiterated his uncompromising anti-drugs policy after expelling a teenager for allegedly buying cannabis for other pupils.

The pupil concerned, who has not been named, has been permanently excluded from Alsager School, while the others involved were suspended.

"The excluded pupil is believed to have bought the cannabis on behalf of others, but is not believed to have sold it to them for profit,'' said Mr Black.

"The other pupils have been excluded for five days and given final warnings about their conduct.

"Whatever the views of individual pupils, cannabis is an illegal drug. Those who supply it to others are putting their health at risk, and if caught will be permanently excluded.''

The police have been informed of the action taken by the school, and Mr Black stressed that no other drugs were involved.

"I am afraid cannabis is widely available in Alsager, and on this occasion has found its way into school,'' he said.

"This situation is an unhappy one for all concerned, but I believe the best way I can protect the young people who attend this school is to confront and deal with the matter openly.''

School policy on drugs was uncompromising, he said, and governors upheld his decision to expel the pupil.

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