I FEEL compelled to write to you after reading the article about Gatewarth Tip.

I find it unbelievable that the council would contemplate a further extension after all the protests from people in and around the Warrington area regarding the vile smells which pervade already.

I am aware that Warrington must have a tip for its own refuse but the town is being used as a dumping ground for other towns' rubbish, hence all the heavy goods wagons arriving at the tip with their noise and diesel fume pollution. This all adds to poor air quality and who knows what these vehicles are tipping.

Under these circumstances, it's not surprising that a lot of Warrington people, including myself, suffer from asthma.

Does the council ever listen to public opinion? I think that perhaps they are only interested in the income a tip can bring, regardless of the health hazard and the discomfort of Warrington people.

Finally, Arpley landfill site had, in my opinion, had more than its share of the north west's rubbish. It's about time they moved the site elsewhere, never mind extending it.


Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.