MAY I be permitted to reply to the letter 'Inconvenienced Elderly' sent to the GUARDIAN by 'Visitor' and published in the February 6 edition.

I agree with many of the town centre changes but I would like to offer my full support for the suggestion that Market Gate is no longer a focal point for town centre shoppers.

It is now a great inconvenience to the elderly, due in my opinion to the fact that the Warrington Transport Department have ceased to run the bus service to Market Gate. We older people find it extremely difficult to walk from the Mall to Warrington Market or the TSB and walk back again, possibly with shopping bags.

Why is this necessary? Can anyone tell me where there is a butcher's shop in or around Lovely Lane or is there one in the Mall?

Instead, we have to drag our weary limbs to the Market and back to the bus station while the brilliant planners sit in their cosy offices.

May I suggest to the planners that they sacrifice one of their coffee/tea breaks and try that walk for themselves. They may have a little sympathy for those who may be wracked with pain and breathing problems.

'Arthur Ritus'

Ripley Street

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