RECORD numbers of people wanting to put something back into the community have contacted Warrington Volunteer Bureau this year.

Staff at the bureau dealt with three times as many people during January than they did in the same period last year.

Marketing co-ordinator, Gill Ellison, said she believed a lot of the added interest was due to the bureau's new newsletter, called 'The Vibe'.

"A lot of people don't realise how much scope there is within voluntary work," she said.

"People tend to think it's just helping out in tea rooms, but there is much more to it than that.

"They are surprised to read in the newsletter that they can do things like helping riding for the disabled."

January saw the bureau deal with 30 prospective volunteers, compared with 12 during January 1997.

And this month it has already dealt with 18 people, four more than the whole of February 1997.

Now staff at the 14-year-old bureau are hoping to build on this success.

"We are looking for more distribution points for the newsletter, and more places to put up posters advertising our work," added Gill.

The bureau offers advice for people who know they want to do voluntary work, but haven't decided on what course to take.

For more information, telephone 01925 637609.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.