WORK has started on the first phase of an environmental scheme in the Fairfield area of Warrington.

As part of a £600,000 scheme, funded by the government and the local authority, road humps and an experimental 20 mile an hour zone are being created.

Surveys were carried out in the area first and the residents were able to get involved and say how they wanted to improve the situation.

The scheme sees Steel Street, renowned as a rat run for vehicles from Birchwood, closed off at the Orford Road end and road humps installed.

Oakwood Avenue will become one way going out to Padgate Lane and will also have road humps put in.

And roads around Padgate Lane and Orford Road will be covered by a 20 mile an hour zone, the first in the town.

Local school children are getting involved with the project as they have designed pictures to be put on the speed limit signs.

Work on the first phase of the scheme is expected to last for about eight to 12 weeks before the second phase, introducing the zoning, starts.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.