PLANS to build homes for autistic adults in Locking Stumps have been changed in an attempt to calm residents who are opposing the proposals.

Grosvenor Housing Association has requested outline planning permission for two semi-detached houses on land at Havisham Close. Liverpool and Lancashire Autistic Society (LALAS) wants to house eight adults and their live-in carers in the homes.

But residents complain this land is the only safe place their children have to play, so LALAS changed the plans to leave about a third of the land as open space.

LALAS finance director David Johnson said: "Warrington Borough Council Community Services Department suggested a compromise which would involve part of the site being transferred to the local authority for use as a children's play area.

"Subject to any necessary approval from either the Commission for New Towns or the Department of the Environment, both ourselves and Grosvenor Housing Association have agreed to such a transfer."

But many residents say that despite the changes, they are still against the plans.

Havisham Close resident Pat Long said: "We don't want anything to be built there at all. Loss of the land will be a loss to the community.

"It is the only safe place the children have to play, especially in view of the recent attacks in the area. If the plans go ahead, it will also generate extra traffic which puts the children at risk because if they can't play on the land, they will play on the road.

"There isn't enough space here. When there was a fire in one of the cul-de-sacs last year, the fire engine had to use that land to turn round."

The plans are due to be debated at the development control committee meeting on Wednesday, February 25, but if a decision is not made before the end of the month, LALAS says it risks losing its funding for the project. David Johnson and a colleague will meet members of the planning committee at the Havisham Close site today, Friday, to give them the opportunity to examine the plans before the meeting.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.