A WORRIED mum of two is calling for a barrier to be installed on a busy main road after a car crashed into her garden on Sunday.

Melanie Hughes, of Maliston Road, Great Sankey wants the barrier put into place on a bend on Sankey Way, at the back of her home.

She is worried that drivers are going too fast around the bend and could cause a serious accident.

The latest incident happened in the early hours of Sunday morning when a car crashed through her fence and landed in her garden.

She said it has happened once before to her fence, her neighbour's fence has been hit three times and to her knowledge at least two other residents have been affected.

"Drivers are going too fast to negotiate the bend," said Melanie. "There is no barrier, just a small black and white sign with arrows on.

"There used to be a bigger sign, but that was destroyed last time someone hit the fence, as was a lamp post.

"I have two children, aged four and 10. If they had been playing in the garden they would have been hit. The car stopped just two feet from their swing.

"It's very dangerous. I want a barrier there, but when my neighbours asked for one to be put up they were told, 'you bought the house there'."

Director of Technical Services at Warrington Borough Council, Keith Millington, said he did not think the council were aware of a problem in the area.

But he said they would be willing to look into the situation and added: "We will be making contact with her and if there is a problem and we can do something about it we will try."

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