ASTON teenager, Tim Hulse won the Junior World Champion's Topper title and was placed second overall in the Dinghy Sailing Championships at the Carnac Yacht Club, Brittany in France.

The event boasted an entry of 133 competitors from six countries including Japan and the United Arab Emirates.

In a week of strong winds competition was fierce and it was on the last race that final positions were secured.

A member of the national squad, Tim has sailed at local clubs and is a member of Ullswater YC. He has travelled the country competing at all levels, both in his Topper and more recently a Laser.

In 1997 he was the most travelled Topper sailor nationwide, winner of the Nationwide Series, second in the national rankings and first junior and second overall at the Inland Championships.

Next week Tim will be hoping to follow up his success when he competes in the Topper National Championships at Felpham Sailing Club when more than 130 entries are anticipated.

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