TWO Crewe organisations could be in line for an award for their caring attitude towards disabled people.

Coppenhall Leisure Centre and the Oakley Centre have received nominations from the public for an EASE award to acknowledge their efforts to ensure their facilities meet the needs of disabled.

The Ease of Access Services and Employment awards is run by the Queen Elizabeth Foundation for Disabled People, which invited people to nominate businesses, employers and services.

Councillor Brian Cherrington, Labour spokesperson for the disabled, said he was delighted the firms had been nominated.

"Clearly subtle improvements in overall leisure provision have made a difference and more importantly the public have noticed," he said.

"There's still a long way to go in improving disabled provision and access, however. Any person visiting one of their local leisure centres can be assured that staff are always on hand and pleased to assist."

Spokesperson for the Opposition Councillor Stan Davies said the new facilities had been installed with the help of local voluntary groups.

"We are always pleased to hear from anyone who would like to see any improvements or additions to the programmes on offer," he said.

Director of Marketing for the charity Tony Richins said he was delighted with the public response.

"It is good to see that disabled people and their families feel that so many organisations are meeting their needs in a positive way."

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