NANTWICH has been chosen as the venue for one of three conferences organised by ACAS.

The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service is holding conferences entitled 'The Working Time Directive - time for a change' at Bolton and Manchester Airport.

The Nantwich conference will be held at the Crown Hotel in the town on Friday September 18.

The purpose of the conferences is to raise awareness of the potential impact of the Working Time Directive which comes into effect by October.

"Although the regulations have been drafted and consultation exercises completed, such complex regulations as these are often open to interpretation and the Working Time Directive is no exception," said ACAS regional director Paul Oliver who will host the conference.

"To interpret and discuss the effect of the new legislation, we have been able to bring together a distinguished panel of speakers for the three conferences.

"They will give their views on the implications of the Working Time Directive for all sides of the employment spectrum."

The conferences will take place between 9am and 1pm and each cost £65 but places are limited so booking is advisable.

The closing date for applications is seven days before the conference and bookings can be made by contacting the conference co-ordinator at ACAS on 0161 237 1790.

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