SOUTH Cheshire's Drug Action Team is warning of the threat of a new heroin outbreak amongst young people.

The Action Team is a high level group representing agencies across Cheshire which are committed to tackling drugs together.

David Cracknell, chairman of the Action Team, issued the warning after a report from the Home Office police research group.

The report highlights the dangers of a highly addictive drug "brown" or "browns" which dealers are selling to the young clubgoing market.

Mr Cracknell said the government described this new development as 'epidemic'.

He added: "Although used far less frequently than cannabis or other 'recreational' drugs, the growing threat of heroin is a reality for Cheshire.

"Now that dealers are cynically marketing it on the same level as 'dance drugs' in a cheaper form, the dangers are increasing.

"It only needs a small number of young people to become addicted for the cost in personal and social damage to be enormous.

"I urge the public to be aware of the new danger from 'Brown' whether smoked, 'chased' or injected. This is a major potential health and social risk to Cheshire.

"We will be alerting schools, youth workers and other front line staff about this new danger and I hope that it will be a case of 'forewarned is forearmed'."

If anyone needs any help or advice they are encouraged to ring the National Drugs Helpline on freephone 0800 776600.

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