A ROW has broken out over a twinning trip to France in November to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the borough's link with Macon.

Some 13 councillors and officers had been invited on the civic trip to the French town which would include a musical festival. Transport costs are paid from the twinning budget with the Macon hosts paying for accommodation.

But Liberal Democrat councillors have decided not to take up a place on the planned trip which they claim is too large.

Councillor Gwyn Griffiths said a small number of councillors and officers should go with the other places in the group going to community groups.

He added: "In our opinion a group of six would be quite sufficient. The mayor and mayoress should go to represent all the people of the borough and they will obviously need to have a couple of staff.

"Perhaps a couple of councillors could also be sent, one from each side of the chamber, but a party of 13 is far too high.

"Twinning should be about building community links, not free trips for big parties of councillors and officers.

"Cutting the number of councillors sent would save money, which could go instead on bigger priorities closer to home."

Councillor Howard Curran, chair of the committee responsible for twinning, said he felt it would be a snub to the French if the full delegation did not go.

"When someone invites a delegation it would be a snub not to send the sort of delegation they have requested and are willing to host," he said.

"We pay the transport costs but that is there in the budget from when it was set some months ago and we knew the 40th anniversary was happening.

"Councillor Griffiths was at the twinning meeting in May and this appeared on the agenda but nothing was said."

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