WORKERS at a Winsford factory fear for the future of their jobs after six redundancies have been made.

Job losses have come at Colin Stewart Minchem because of a 'change in business,' according to managing director Peter Kitchen.

He has revealed that a total of six people have been made redundant so far and he is refusing to confirm or deny whether there will be more.

One distressed former worker, who asked to remain anonymous, said: "Some workers who have been there 28 years were told at 2pm they were being made redundant and were gone at 2.30pm. Jobs are not safe. It's awful."

The firm, which has been operating since 1913, produces a range of commercial powders and is based at Wharton Lodge Mills in Nat Lane.

Mr Kitchen said: "The redundancies have come about because of a change in business. That is all I'm prepared to say at the moment. All sorts of things have changed.

"It's complete nonsense to say that the workers were told they were being made redundant at 2pm and were out by 2.30pm. It wasn't like that.

"When asked if there's going to be more redundancies, I would say how long is a piece of string?

"In the foreseeable future, as far as we are concerned, we do not think so. But this cannot be guaranteed," he added.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.