THE banks of the Weaver have been packed this summer as Winsford youngsters flock to the weekly fishing competitions.

Almost 30 turned up yesterday, Tuesday, at the Red Lion to cast aside the summer holiday boredom.

Other fishing matches at the Flashes yesterday prevented a turnout of more than 40 - the number which had been scattered around the banks the previous two weeks.

Bob Bellis, who organises the matches in the town, feels that the numbers could rise even more - but he needs to reel in more money.

Bob said: "It gets them off the street but there is not much sponsorship. A lot of people don't realise it's the biggest sport in Britain and it's cheap.

"We have some kids at Winsford, like Ashley Billinge and Tom Dobson, who I think will fish for England, so they need as much encouragement as they can get.

"Johnny Johnson did a great job with the kids for years and I enjoy it. There's nothing more natural and it gives them something to do.

"I've done this for two-and-a-half years and when we started we had about 11 or 12 for the weekly matches, which grew to over 20 last year, but I think we can get over 100.

"If we can get just one kid off the streets and onto the banks then we've done a good job."

Bob, aged 42, lives in Byley but returns to his home town of Winsford to run the juvenile events in school holidays.

Yesterday's fish was the third of the summer and they will all now be held at the Red Lion, a venue where Bob can fit in all the children safely.

He ensures that all the boys get a prize, with firms like Lacey's, Dave's of Middlewich and Weaverside Angling always supportive with donations.

Bob added: "There is a lot of equipment sat in people's sheds which they never use, but the kids down here could.

"We do need more sponsors with the more kids we get and it's only £50 to get all the lads a prize.

"For every person that plays football there are four or five that fish. When you think, you only need a rod, 50p for some maggots and £6 for an annual licence, so it's a very cheap sport."

Anyone interested in donating equipment, sponsoring the fishes or taking part can contact Bob on his new number, 01606 836725.

The result of Tuesday's match was: 1 A Billinge 5lb 13oz; 2 T Dobson 4lb 12oz; 3 M Hughes 3lb 1oz; 4 J McPhee 2lb 10oz.

Ashley Billinge and Tom Dobson are now tied on 27 points in the summer series.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.