POLICE are warning pensioners in Winsford and Middlewich to be on their guard against odd job conmen.

A number of vehicles that belong to travelling builders have been spotted in the Winsford and Middlewich area.

And police have cautioned residents in the two towns not to accept their offer of services.

Inspector Kevin Lunn said: "People, especially pensioners, should be wary of anyone who knocks on their door offering building or other types of services.

"An example of the sort of trick they are likely to pull involves them knocking on your door and saying that your chimney is in a bad state and that it will fall off if you don't get it fixed.

"They will offer a reasonable fee to do the job, but will then say after completion that the job was more serious than they expected and that it will now cost more money.

"They have been known to ask for sums in the region of £1,000, and can be quite threatening when people don't pay."

Crime prevention officer Julie Ledgar offered advice to people on how to deal with these sort of people.

She said: "If anyone comes knocking on your door be firm but polite, avoid letting them into your house, and if they become threatening shut the door.

"Feel free to have them checked out. If they are genuine they shouldn't be offended if you do.

"And if you do feel that you want to go ahead with the work, ask them to come back at another time when you can arrange for someone else to be in with you.

"In some cases they have offered to drive people to the bank if you say you haven't the money to pay them. We urge you never ever to do that!"

She added: "We want people to know that they are not alone out there and if they do feel threatened or intimidated they can call the police."

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