VALE Royal show organisers are urging everyone from bakers to candlestick makers to exhibit their work at the annual event in September.

The show, which is being held at Winsford Civic Hall, is expected to attract hundreds of entries.

There are classes for every section of the community from children to the over 70s. Talented toy makers, green-fingered gardeners and nifty knitters and are among the many creative personalities who can take part.

This year's 129 classes include fruit, flower and vegetable; flower arrangement; domestic and cookery; children's sections; Cactus Society section; home made wines, handicrafts, schools section and Chrysanthemum Society section.

The Winsford and Middlewich Guardian is again supporting the event and will present a trophy for the highest points obtained in the cookery and preserves classes.

Members of the public will also be able to admire the many exhibits between 2pm and 5pm on Saturday, September 19.

Clr Brian Lloyd, chairman of leisure and community partnerships committee, commented on the success of the Vale Royal Show over the years.

He said: "As a regular visitor to the show at Winsford, I admire the many and varied talents of the exhibitors who enter.

"As a person who could only compete in the categories of worst gardener, artist, knitter or photographer - with a good chance of winning - I know that once again the quality of exhibits will be of the highest standard.

"Families should be encouraged to come along on the day.

"All those involved in the show, whether as donors of prizes, organisers or entrants, should also be thanked for providing one of the highlights of the Vale Royal year."

Details of the various competition categories, prize money and entry forms can be obtained from Sue Gillett at Wyvern House, Winsford on 01606 867539.

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