A MINISTER is to retire from preaching in Winsford after spending almost half-a-century in the Methodist ministry.

Rev Raymond Jones is leaving the Winsford circuit of Methodist churches which includes St Andrews, Weaver, Clive Green, Trinity, Meadowbank, Little Budworth, Whitegate and Chester Road.

He has been working in the town for eight years and in the ministry for 48 years but has been forced to retire due to his own health and that of his disabled wife's, Nancy.

The 64-year-old is now looking forward to taking things easy and spending more time with his wife.

Mr Jones, of Overhall Drive, reminisced about his many happy years as a Methodist preacher and also coping with the more difficult times.

He said: "It was my experience in national service that brought testimony to what I believe in.

"It showed me an area of the church I had not seen before.

"I have really enjoyed my eight years in Winsford. Things have really improved in the town since I first came here. It has a tremendous future.

"In my first year at Winsford St Andrews was broken into 14 times but now it's much better - either because they've realised there's nothing worth taking or because somebody with an anti-church feeling has moved out of the area."

Mr Jones described what has most impressed him about the town.

"The thing that has had the greatest impact on me is the work of St Luke's Hospice. It's marvellous. Every week I hold a service for the day patients there."

And what does the future hold for Rev Jones?

"Nancy and I hope to take a holiday in our motor caravan to see our children," he explained.

"We will also be moving to Crewe and I will probably preach now and again in the area."

A farewell concert was held last Friday at St Andrews Methodist Church, Dingle Lane, for Mr Jones where the Rev Paul Cieka, superintendent minister, thanked him for his "faithful and loyal service to the people of Winsford."

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