Age Concern are planning to launch the Phonelink service in October and need people to ring housebound pensioners for a chat.

"We set up the service because there is a need out there," said Linda Bennett, Age Concern's Vale Royal coordinator.

"The Northwich area is quite badly serviced.

"We are keen to hear from anyone who wants to help. Obviously they would need a caring quality and the ability to listen."

The elderly will join the Phonelink scheme after being referred to Age Concern by their doctor. The charity will then make sure they are suitable for the service before adding them to their list.

The Northwich branch is expecting around 30 or 40 people to qualify and need about 20 volunteers to make the calls.

The calls will be made from the charity's office on Chester Road in Castle during the afternoon between Monday and Friday.

Training will be given and Age Concern will pay expenses.

For more information, ring Linda Bennett on 781406.

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