A FUND-RAISING family are celebrating this week after hitting the £20,000 mark in their bid to say thank-you to the hospital which saved their son.

Robert Boffey was treated for a brain tumour at Alder Hey Hospital seven years ago when he was less than five months old.

Robert, from Liverpool Road West, Church Lawton, spent three months at the Liverpool children's hospital and has since been back at two yearly intervals when the tumour has re-appeared.

His parents Susan and Peter, and sister Ruth, the village queen, are hoping the tumour will have gone when he goes back for another check this year.

To say thank-you to the hospital the family embarked on a fund-raising event which raised £2,000 and in the last seven years a further £18,000 has been added to the total.

This Sunday the family will be holding one of their regular fund-raising Sunday lunches in Smallwood and handing over the latest amount to the hospital's children's cancer ward.

The money has been used to buy a variety of specialist equipment and some of the money has also been added to the hospital's Rocking Horse Appeal which aims to build a new cancer ward.

"Without them we wouldn't have our son, it's a very small price to pay," said Mrs Boffey.

"Ruth was two when Robert was born and as far as she is concerned hospital has always been part of his life.

"He absolutely adores going, if he went to a birthday party he wouldn't enjoy it as much because they treat the children so well.

"They have got time for them all. If the children have a teddy with them then teddy has his temperature taken too.

"They are absolutely fantastic and it's not a sad ward, that's one thing that impressed us, it's a children's cancer ward and we thought it would be very sad but the children are so keen to go and play it's really happy.

"We have a great team of friends who help and without them we couldn't do all the fund-raising."

Commenting on the family's fund-raising efforts, Alder Hey's marketing manager, Jane Hunt said on Wednesday: "This is a major boost in our drive to raise £10 million for a new cancer unit and outpatients' department, which will be vital when treating other sick children like Robert.

The family will be joining in another fund-raising event at the end of the month with a Country Fayre Farm Fun Day at Rushton Spencer. The event will raise money for Alder Hey and also Rushton School and the NSPCC.

if you would like to help with fund-raising or make a donation please telephone 01270 877920.

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