LISTENERS to my Magic 1548 breakfast show will know my views on Moors murderess Myra Hindley. I have always believed she is a really wicked woman.

I am saddened, however, that one of her victim's family has visited her behind bars with a view to expecting Hindley to reveal where the body of little Keith Bennett is buried.

Alan Bennett, Keith's brother, says he only went to see her with the hope that she would reveal the youngster's burial place.

Meantime, the boy's mother says: "It makes my skin crawl." Mine, too.

I think Hindley is dangerous and manipulative.

COULD you believe that a council in the North East would send a letter to a nursing home saying that an almost penniless patient in their care who had died should be treated like a piece of refuse when it came to a decent burial?

Is this in the spirit of the caring 90s?

The council argued that the nursing home should make a contribution to the tragic burial expenses.

But I'm glad to say the Ombudsman has stepped in an told them to cough up.

Quite right!

And the person who sent the letter should kneel and beg forgiveness for such a jaundiced attitude.

IN the midst of all the gloom of this stormy, cold, rain-lashed summer, here's my special tribute to my very own little ray of sunshine, the Queen Mother.

Despite being the same age as the year, this wonderful lady spreads happiness and joy whenever she is seen in public.

Long may you continue in good health, Ma'am!

Dangerous, manipulative Myra

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.