A MIDDLE-AGED motorist followed a young girl as she rode her bicycle and then indecently assaulted her, a court has heard.

The incident happened in St Helens as the nine-year-old was riding to a local shop, said Mr Brendan Carville.

44-year-old Peter Batty of Kingsway, Widnes, stopped alongside her and claimed there was a £1 coin on the ground by her bike.

When she dismounted because of this ruse he put his hand up her skirt and indecently assaulted her, Mr Carville told Liverpool Crown Court yesterday. (Mon)

She screamed, abandoned her bicycle and ran home in hysterics.

Batty was later traced and arrested.

He was interviewed by police about the incident and four others that weekend involving approaching girls aged about 15 and asking if they were prostitutes wanting to do business, he said.

Batty denied the indecent assault but admitted the other offences.

Mr Carville said that Batty has since been fined £200 for the indecent behaviour offences.

Batty, pleaded guilty last month to the indecent assault, which happened in January.

Judge Ian Crompton yesterday jailed him for 15 months and ordered him to register under the Sex Offenders Act for 10 years.

Defence counsel Mr Gerald Jones said that Batty, who has no similar convictions, had been under stress because his wife was ill.

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