AN ATTACK outside a pub on Christmas Eve left one man with a chipped tooth after a man kicked him in the head, a court was told on Friday.

A woman who tried to stop the fight was commended and given a £50 reward, Warrington Crown Court heard.

Frank O'Neil, 18, of Peelhouse Lane, Widnes, pleaded guilty to affray and was sentenced to four months in a young offenders' institute.

Helen Waller, prosecuting, told the court two men, Alex McCann and Michael Smith, were leaving the Crown pub in Widnes on Christmas Eve.

A gang of men began to hurl abuse at them from across the street and at one point threw a bottle.

Among the group was O'Neil, who crossed over the road with the gang and threatened the two men, saying he could take both of them on.

Then he lashed out, kicking and punching both of them, knocking them to the ground.

He kicked Mr McCann in the head three times, breaking his glasses and causing a cut and bruising to his left eye.

Mr Smith suffered lumps to his head and a chipped tooth after O'Neil attacked him in the same way.

Tony Rose, defending, said O'Neil could not remember the attack as he was too drunk. He was going through a rebellious spell. An argument with his parents caused him to move out and he felt very unsettled.

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