THE psychologist at the centre of the mental health care row at Halton Hospital has been handed a final warning for writing to Frank Dobson over the relocation of his therapy group.

Community Care for Health disciplined Dr Robin Hensman for using CCH letterhead to alert the Health Secretary to Halton Hospital's intention to evict his therapy group following the opening of its new mental health centre. He called it an abuse of patients' rights.

But the NHS executive responded to the same letter with a note of thanks. Dr Hensman is currently appealing the decision.

The group, which meets twice weekly, now has until September 1 to find alternative accommodation.

Users of the group have been actively opposed to being denied space at the new Brooker Centre, but to no effect.

Several of the group's patients were referred by hospital psychiatrists, suggesting that Halton Hospital has a continued responsibility towards them.

Dr Hensman claims that conflict between the drug-based approach of psychiatrists and the more mind-centred ideas of psychologists is behind the dispute.

He said: "We had one patient referred to us because a psychiatrist was concerned about her high level of medication.

"We managed to get her level down. But another doctor told her that she was on medication for the rest of her life and that anyone who told her anything different should be shot."

CCH spokesman Brian Lowey said alternative arrangements were being made for the group: "Having spoken with the group, the preferred option is Victoria House here in Runcorn."

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