WITH regard to the letter from "Worried Mother", GUARDIAN, August 7, could I please ask how any mother could possibly condemn another mother she, presumably, has never met?

None of us knows what was in this mother's mind at the time of this terrible tragedy if she was instrumental in her baby's death, or what goes on behind closed doors.

Many babies have been born as a result of incest or rape especially in the past and "Worried Mother" must know this as she has lived long enough to become a grandmother - something many women are still denied.

None of us knows the circumstances of the conception of this baby or even whether we are, unknowingly, the grandmother or other relative or friend of Callum. We cannot condemn this mother and call ourselves Christians. I believe we still class our country as a 'Christian' country so perhaps we should remember the old saying: "There but for the grace of God go I."

As for adoption, life is never that simple and many mothers must fear for the future of their babies in the hands of complete strangers, no matter what safeguards are assured by the social services, as so many adoptions and foster care situations have failed abysmally in the past.

At least baby Callum is now at peace and will be assured of eternal rest and love with his Maker. Should Callum's mother or any other relative or friend be reading this I can assure them that not everyone condemns outright and God will be their final Judge.


Great Sankey

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