I CANNOT help but show some anger at the plans to have the Palace Theatre at Friars Gate turned into an entertainment cafe by Apollo Leisure.

Any visitor or local person must see that although the town has grown over the years it has become a town of drinking establishments, supermarket outlets and a town full of every possible car showroom.

And where there is drink, there are drugs circulating which brings trouble the police and courts must clear up.

We at present have one so called theatre type called the Parr Hall, which I may add has not changed since as a young boy, some 60 years ago, I attended dances with bands like Eric Pepperall, Wilf Rigby and Harry Jarman. Not to forget wrestling with the Pyes and Man Mountain Benny. There was also a theatre where Poll Tax House stands with plays during the winter and shows in summer where top stars of the day attended. The question I pose to this present council is the fact that, yes, this town over the years has grown but into what? Traffic bottlenecks, a second rate market place and more and more gin palaces where few older people over 50 years of age tend to venture into after dark.

Mind you, this is all to do with catering for the young and to forget the older generation. But this council are not known for seeking views of residents in anything but talking about it.


Laira Court,


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