A CLERICAL worker was driven out of her job after her boss rigged up the room she worked in with surveillance equipment, an industrial tribunal heard.

The installation of a close circuit camera and a microphone was "the last straw" for Laura Keung, of Newbridge Close, Callands, who brought an unfair dismissal claim against her employer.

Mrs Keung had a strained relationship with her boss, Mr Chee Keung Chui, at the Manchester travel agency where she had worked for 13 years. They had stopped talking to each other after a series of bitter arguments.

Mrs Keung alleged she was constructively and unfairly dismissed but Mr Chui denied the claim and contended there had been no dismissal.

Mrs Keung said she had suffered from stress as a result of her boss becoming increasingly critical of her work. She felt intimidated and harassed when the CCTV equipment was put in, she said.

Mr Chui claimed he had wanted to restore normal communication with his employee.

The tribunal decided against Mrs Keung and she is now waiting to see whether she can appeal on legal grounds.

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