A DOCTOR convicted of molesting two teenage girls at his Culcheth home faces jail - and parents want him struck off.

The stark warning came after a Warrington Crown Court jury found Dr Moustafa Abdelnabi, of Fowley Common Lane, guilty of indecently assaulting two of his daughter's friends.

Judge John Rogers QC told 52-year-old Abdelnabi: "You will understand that my public duty demands I impose a custodial sentence."

Prosecution lawyers must also decide whether they are to proceed on a further charge of cannabis possession against Abdelnabi before his next court date.

The mother of one of his victims, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said after the verdicts: "I am just relieved justice has been done.

"In my opinion now he should have no contact with children again and I want him struck off from practising medicine in this country."

The court heard divorcee Abdelnabi involved a 12-year-old girl in an indecent act while she slept in the same bed as his own daughter.

Giving evidence, the youngster said she had been given wine by the doctor before she fell asleep in a king-sized bed with his daughter and another young girl.

The doctor later returned and forced her to behave indecently. She said she woke up and froze when she realised what was going on. Then she pretended to be asleep, putting her head in a pillow until the doctor left the room.

Prosecutor Rhys Rowlands said a 14-year-old victim was also asleep at Abdelnabi's home on another occasion when the doctor came into a bedroom and molested her underneath the bedclothes.

Jurors cleared Abdelnabi of three remaining indecent assault allegations against girls aged 13, 14 and 15.

It was alleged Abdelnabi had been "dirty dancing" with a 14-year-old girl at a party, thrusting his leg between hers.

The prosecution also claimed the same night the doctor took advantage of another girl, aged 15, who had fallen ill, groping her in a bedroom after removing her jacket.

Another offence was supposed to have occurred when the doctor pulled a 13-year-old girl on top of him while they were watching television together.

But Abelnabi denied dancing suggestively at the party. He claimed one girl might have held a grudge against him because he reported her to her parents after catching her drinking alcohol in his kitchen.

Defence lawyer Peter Buckley also suggested Abdelnabi's accusers were part of a teenage gang who indulged in drug-taking and teenage strip shows, claims strongly denied by one of the alleged victims.

The GP was remanded on bail before sentence is passed so he can ensure another doctor can manage his surgery in Warrington Road, Culcheth, and care arrangements are made for his 16-year-old daughter.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.