THE PEOPLE of Warrington said a tearful farewell to baby Callum, more than four months after his body was discovered close to a children's theme park.

The murdered infant was laid to rest in Warrington Cemetery following a moving service at St. Elphin's Parish Church yesterday, Monday.

More than 150 mourners from across the community, including the Mayor and senior police officers, gathered to pay their last respects to the tot who was strangled just hours after he was born.

Many openly wept as they laid flowers next to his small white coffin, which was later surrounded with special remembrance cards made by schoolchildren as Eric Clapton's 'Tears in Heaven' played in the background.

The service was led by St. Elphin's curate The Rev. Mark Chilcott with the address given by Nicky Lees, minister of St. Phillip's, Westbrook, the parish where Callum was found.

She said: "Throughout Warrington people were deeply saddened by the tragic loss of this young life. Indeed, many in the town were stunned.

"This special service for Callum is unusual because there are no blood relatives here to mourn his death.

"But he does have a family present - the wider family of all God's children - all of whom cared enough to attend."

Callum's final resting place is a small plot donated by a generous family, the headstone a tribute from shoppers at a town centre supermarket.

Ann Burgess, aged 51, of Orford, was just one of many who attended the heart-rendering service. She said: "The service was beautiful and very moving. I felt I had to come down after reading so much about his tragic death and because he had no real family."

Baby Callum, the full story in Friday's GUARDIAN.

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