FASCINATING details of daily life in Elizabethan England have been revealed - in the medieval undercroft at Norton Priory Museum.

Local historians The Wedlock Wassail - in full Elizabethan costume - gave visitors a glimpse of what life was like in 1575.

They re-enacted the parts of Sir Richard and Lady Brooke, owners of the tudor mansion at Norton Priory.

They laid out a nobleman's table with a variety of Elizabethan earthenware pots, glasses, wooden trenches and pewter and showed examples of the herbs, spices and plants which would have been used for cooking, medicinal and other purposes.

People were surprised to discover saletts (Tudor salads) contained petals and rosebuds!

"We tried to show how people used to live in the days of Elizabeth I," said local historian Keith McCann, who played Sir Richard Brooke.

"We talked about people's hygiene, food, education, housework, in fact every aspect of Tudor living.

"People were very interested and asked lots of questions."

The event was organised to celebrate St Christopher's day and raised funds towards a new exhibition centre being created to re-house the famous 600-year-old statue.

The Wedlock Wassail, specialises in re-living the customs, traditions, pageantry and regalia of Elizabethan England.

In modern English, their name is a wedding toast- 'wassail' meaning 'your good health'.

Local historian Keith McCann spent three years carrying out extensive research to ensure their period re-enactment was accurate and authentic.

Their elaborate Elizabethan costumes were specially created by professional re-enactment costumiers and even include a nobleman's rapier sword.

"It takes me half-an-hour to get my costume on," said Keith. "There are so many buttons and fiddly bits to put together. I don't think I'll ever get used to putting on the tights!

"But I love it. Once you're wearing it, you really do assume that person in history and become that character.

"We really enjoy telling people about this exciting period in England's history."

The Wedlock Wassail offers a range of unique presentations for wedding receptions and various private or public functions.

For further details, please ring Keith McCann after 7pm on 0151-424 9396.

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