HEROIN addict Gerard Gill burgled his parents to get cash to feed his habit, a court heard.

He stole three television sets, a video and other property, Warrington Crown Court was told.

Then he broke in to a friend's house and stole a television, video, toaster and jewellery worth £878.

Gill, 24, of The Uplands, Palacefields, Runcorn admitted two offences of burglary.

The case was adjourned to this Friday while attempts were made to find Gill a place in a probation hostel.

A hostel was found, and Gill was sent to stay there for four weeks.

Judge John Rogers told him: "Normally the sentence would have been two years in prison but we have taken into account the special circumstances.

"But if you come back before this court you will almost certainly go to prison."

Anthony Jameson, prosecuting, said Gill's parents went on holiday, knowing he had a heroin habit and asking his sister to keep an eye on him.

Gill telephoned his sister and asked for money but she refused.

The next day she went to her parent's home and found the property missing.

Arrested, Gill told police: "I am wanted for trashing my Ma's house."

Simon Mills, defending, said Gill had been through a difficult period, losing his job and suffering a serious illness.

"He got involved with heroin and crack cocaine.

"He had been using drugs since he was 17 and had previously managed to get off them.

He had the character to put drugs behind him again and had assisted police in recovering some of the stolen property.

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