I KNOW many people have their own, strongly-held views about gypsies and travellers.

I also know that these views tend to be based on the attitude of the travellers, their disregard for other people's property and the mess they leave behind.

But I would urge a note of caution. I personally do not come from Winsford although I do work here.

However, I have had personal experience of dealing with gypsies and travellers.

Many years ago, I was invited into the caravan of a true Romany gypsy family. The family members were warm, courteous and friendly. The caravan was spotless.

They had been employed on a short-term contract to act as watchmen on an isolated industrial complex and carried out their duties diligently.

When the contract expired, the family moved on and did not leave any mess behind.

Several years later, the same area was invaded by 'travellers'.

They smashed open a water main to get drinking water. They wandered into a local secondary school to use the toilets, disrupting school life and not caring at all.

They tapped into the electricity supply, blacking out a large area of the town and when they were finally moved on, the mess they left behind had to be seen to be believed.

A local petrol station where a member of my family worked was regularly stripped of stock in a matter of seconds as the travellers invaded it mob-handed.

The same town has a large, permanent gypsy site which was scorned by the influx of travellers.

But let's face it, if you are on a permanent council site, you can be traced. If you can be traced, you may end up having to do unpleasant things like being made responsible for your actions.

You might end up having to pay income tax, national insurance and car tax.

That would never do. would it?


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