I WRITE in response to your front page article in the Winsford and Middlewich Guardian of August 12.

Yet again we have an example of local residents having to put up with being abused by this travelling band of vagrants on wheels.

To call these people gypsies is to the detriment of the original Romany gypsies who although now few in number are a law abiding people. I feel sure they would not behave in such a manner as those in your article.

I note again we have a member of our council suggesting a home for these people in the area.

Maybe the answer to the thoughts of Clr Watson is to allow them to camp on the well manicured lawns of the council offices.

The attention to detail given to this grass exceeds that given to anywhere else in Winsford. Better still maybe our councillor could accommodate these people nearer to her home.

The majority of local residents will be aware of the site set up near the railway station. To the credit of all concerned, it is maintained to a high standard.

We do not need another stop off area.

Statistics prove that during the visits of these all-too-frequent travellers, we suffer an increase in crime. They leave behind an assortment of rubbish for somebody else to clear away and local residents usually end up being abused and always end up footing the bill.

During the recent stay of a band of these travellers on the car park at Morrisions, we had cause to shop there.

Our stay was a short one as a number of these 'residents' were in the store and the abuse and foul language being uttered meant we did not continue and left the store.

I am concerned about the lack of respect for the law in general but it appears that acts of this sort are on the increase in the area and are being passed over as being acceptable in certain quarters.

I feel that it is surely time that the elected members of our council became more involved in the issues of this area and stop advertising Winsford in a bad light

Name and address supplied

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