SO once again the gypsies have taken advantage of the locality of Winsford at the expense of the unfortunate residents.

Not only have they moved in on farmer David Percival's field but also on land adjacent to Woodford Lodge School, despite the expensive landscaping work carried out there specifically to deter them from doing so.

Here too they will no doubt again deposit their rubbish and detritus from their various business enterprises and again we the ratepayers will be forced to pay heavily to clean up the site when they decide they will move on.

Has Clr Kath Watson not observed that these people are able to drive expensive vehicle such as Range Rovers and Mercedes and are probably well able to afford to buy their own permanent caravan sites should they wish to?

And has she not also observed that the sites provided remain little used while the gypsies prefer to park on any other land in these areas, as long as it is at no cost to themselves?

If Clr Kath Watson is feeling so generous with local funds, despite these being sorely needed for the benefit of the indigenous population, perhaps she will be equally generous with her own property and invite a gyspy family or two to camp in her garden and use her services.

Maybe then she will realise just what it feels like to be invaded and abused and will cease advocating rewarding these who flout our laws, customs and hospitality.

She should be aware that my views are shared by a very large proportion of local residents and be a little more sympathetic to their wishes and needs.

A law-abiding, ratepaying, irate resident

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.