A POOR turnout at gigs in Winsford has forced the Banned! Network - an organisation which promotes concerts all over Cheshire - to stage its music events in other towns.

The Banned! Network, which is part of the Northwich-based DAN arts group, said this week that it does not have much involvement in the town's live music scene because it had 'tried several times and failed'.

The news comes in response to a claim made by Alan Badder, chairman of Youth Generation - a voluntary group including members of local bands and other interested people - that DAN has rejected several invitations to become involved with gigs in Winsford.

Banned! Network organiser Stephen Speakman said: "We are largely self financing and cannot afford to make substantial losses.

"The Banned! Network aims to put on high quality, professionally organised gigs and training opportunities for young people.

"The reason why we do not have much involvement in the Winsford live music scene is not because we do not want to. It's more because of the fact that we have tried several times and failed.

"The Banned! Network used to do several regular gigs at Chasers, now DBs, and did do another one there jointly with the new manager.

"We also tried to do a series of gigs at Winsford Civic Hall early on in the year at which Alan Badder's band played along with another Winsford band Imperial and a more experienced band from Manchester called Gabrielles Wish.

"But unfortunately we had to pull out after only one because there seemed to be a total lack of support for any of the Winsford-based bands and the Banned! Network ended up having to pick up a bill for the professional PA, lighting, venue hire and security totalling some £600.

"We cannot afford to do this on a regular basis."

He explained: "Over the last few years we have staged a number of workshop weekends at the New Images Youth Club, when mostly Winsford-based bands have the opportunity to work with professional musicians and technicians to improve their musical and business techniques.

"These have been offered to the participants at a hugely subsidised rate.

"We have also lent our lighting rig to Youth Generation on several occasions, and when supplied with information, have included details of their gigs in our fanzine, of which more than 500 are distributed at our expense to young people in Vale Royal."

Mr Speakman added: "We would welcome renewed contact with Youth Generation as long as they understand that DAN and the Banned! Network are not grant making bodies able to make good their losses."

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