FIVE innovative students have designed an electronic filing system for muscular dystrophy sufferers.

The teenagers, who are all aged 19, are all on placement at ICI in Runcorn and are studying electronic engineering at different universities across the country.

They were given a brief to design and manufacture a piece of useful equipment for disabled people.

Last week the filing system was installed at the Neuromuscular Centre in Winsford by the students who took part in the project - Seb Hills, Liz Kistruck, Stephen Gowdy, Charlotte Thomas and Marion McAfee.

Ann McBride, a disabled worker at the Neuromuscular Centre, said: "One of the students rang the centre and asked if an electronic filing system would be useful.

"One of our workers Matt Cundall said it would be very useful and so they designed it for him.

"All he has to do is press a button and it brings the file he wants to his level. He can pull the document out at at a level he is comfortable with.

"When the students arrived to install the system we were surprised how big it was. We had visions of pressing the button to get a file and papers flying about everywhere.

"But is was nothing like that. We are really pleased with it and Matt says the piece of equipment is really helpful.

"We are grateful to the students for taking the time and making the effort for us."

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