A WINSFORD man's quest to have his name published in the Guinness Book of Records has failed.

Historian Brian Curzon has been turned down for a place in the famous book even though he has completed an astonishing number of university degrees.

He currently has six and is starting his record breaking seventh in September.

But officials from the Guinness Book of Records have said that there is so much discrepancy between qualifications throughout the world that Brian, of Cherry Crescent, cannot be classed as a record breaker.

Brian, whose collection of qualifications includes a degree in archeology and history, an MA in museum studies, and a heritage and society degree, said: "They gave my application serious consideration and it went to a meeting where it was discussed by a panel.

"But because degrees differ so much across the world, they decided it could not be accepted.

"In America, the degree is supposed to be equivalent to one A-level here, and in India doctors may have failed their exams but they're in so much demand that they are treated like they have passed them and may work.

"Degrees are not common throughout the world."

However, it is not all bad news for Brian who has been informed that there is still a chance he could get into the Guinness Book of Records.

"They are looking into the possibility of an English title," he explained.

"But they've got to hold discussions about it and carry out thorough investigations of the evidence before they decide but at least there's a chance.

"It would be nice to have my name in the book for ever more - that is until somebody else broke the record."

The next step for brainy Brian is to concentrate on his seventh degree course in local history at Keele University.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.