UNEVEN pavements are tripping up Knutsford's shoppers.

Several people have contacted the Knutsford Guardian complaining that town centre pavements need straightening out.

Patricia Franklin, who suffers from osteoporosis, is still bruised after she tripped over a paving stone in Princess Street a month ago.

"She twisted when she fell and thought she had broken her hip," said her daughter Jane.

"Luckily she didn't have to go to hospital, but she was shocked and very embarrassed."

Miss Franklin, of Hoo Green Lane, Mere, claimed her mother rang Cheshire Highways to complain - to be first asked whether she was going to sue.

"I was also really annoyed because they implied my mum might not have even tripped over," she said.

"They said Knutsford's pavements were completely flat, but they're not at all."

On Monday highways officer Jim Sharpe said town centre pavements were inspected monthly and any complaints were investigated.

He said instant repairs were carried out if the paving stone was uneven by more than 25mm - about an inch.

"This measurement is standard in Cheshire and has been agreed with the insurance companies we deal with," he said.

"If it is below that level, we don't have to do anything with it."

He said problems were often caused by vehicles parking on town centre pavements.

But Miss Franklin said that wasn't good enough.

"I would like to see pavements that are as straight as a die," she said.

Another shopper, who had a bruised leg and a knee infection after tripping in Princess Street, agreed: "I feel the small paving stones certainly need attention."

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