A RESIDENTS' group this week denied withholding information from its members.

Andy Hurdsfield, chairman of the now disbanded Knutsford Over Ward Residents Association, said they knew little about Manchester City Council's plans to sell Longridge and parts of Shaw Heath.

"The only thing we knew was what everyone knew at the public meeting in May," said Mr Hurdsfield.

"We have never had any meetings regarding any exchange of houses or anything like that."

Mr Hurdsfield said KODRA could not have withheld information about transferring the houses because the city council had not made any plans.

He said the group's mass resignation was permanent - and no members would be joining new tenants' group, Over Ward Residents Community Action.

"It's what all the members decided to do," he said.

"What we want to point out is that over the 20 years that KODRA has been running we have raised £110,000 and we have always been there for residents."

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