IN replying to 'Angry' in Points of View from the August 14 edition, may I point out that there is a far bigger issue for Stocks Lane residents in the not too distant future that should make the correspondent have second thoughts in welcoming the housing development at the rear of the Crown and Cushion public house in Penketh.

The Warrington local plan contains two areas of search in Penketh (land earmarked for housing development in the next few years), namely Stocks Lane and Well Lane.

The Stocks Lane area of search is the second largest in the whole of Warrington, in spite of the fact that Penketh has less open space than any other parish in Warrington. The only open land in the parish apart from the two areas of search is Greystone and Wilkinshaw playing field and the much smaller Penketh Gardens. All three are in the custody of the parish council.

The nearest thing we in Penketh have to a green belt is the open farm land to the west of Stocks Lane which, incidentally, is part of the area of search referred to above. No doubt many more people will register their concern in the not too distant future as developers move in and take up what little open space there is at present.


Representing Penketh and Cuerdley

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