IN HIS response (GUARDIAN, August 14) to my letter, Clr Black, the Labour chairman of highway management on the borough council, gives no comfort to the residents of South Warrington.

The five year programme for transport funding he refers to is mainly concerned with routine maintenance.

Of the new spending proposals it seems all that South Warrington will get is a cycle lane and a 'pedestrian corridor with reduced capacity for cars' through Stockton Heath.

These, while welcome, will not solve our problem.

What is needed is the integration of the south of the town, which was promised by Labour in their campaign to become a unitary authority.

The integrated transport study will cost some £450,000 for consultants and I hope that for this sum we will get an open-minded approach that doesn't just reflect Clr Black's prejudices.

In contrast to his own area of Great Sankey, he should realise that South Warrington has four road links with the town that are over 100 years old and no rail link at all.

The unique transport difficulties posed by the ship canal means that a really imaginative and far-seeing vision is needed, that for once includes the south of the town and provides Warrington in the coming Millennium with a transport system of which we can be proud.


Leader, Liberal Democrats

Warrington Borough Council

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