WARRINGTON'S canoe slalom queen's phenominal summer will continue with a return to Slovakia to compete in another international competition.

Sixteen-year-old Michelle Patrick has only just returned from three weeks of debut action overseas with Great Britain under 18s.

Her impressive performances, which saw her become the top British junior woman, have booked her a ticket in the England under 18s team to take part in the Bratislava International at the end of the month.

She is currently staying in Nottingham to train at the Holme Pierpoint national watersports centre twice a day.

The Appleton paddler set off to Slovakia on July 19 to test her abilities in the World Cup, taking on the best from places like Australia and America.

The racing took place on the multi-million pounds artificial course on the River Danube.

Temperatures peaked in the high ninety degrees and to add to the pressure the fast white water resulted in many broken boats and many overnight repairs having to be made.

Michelle, who hit the headlines in December 1997 when she was crowned Warrington's Junior Sports Personality of the Year, finished in a creditable 21st place.

From Bratislava the squad flew to Norway where they went into battle in the Nordic Cup in Sjoa on August 1.

This natural course was big and penalties were easily picked up by missing gates and Michelle said: "It was the biggest white water I had ever seen."

Nevertheless, Michelle did well and finished sixth.

From Norway it was off to Sweden for the final competition of the tour.

During training Michelle's coach said she was matching the junior men's times.

On the first day of competition Michelle finished fourth to competitors from Germany and France.

She finished fourth again 24 hours later to become the top British junior woman and was awarded a prize by the GB management.

Michelle said: "It was my first time abroad and the experience was awesome. It is something I will never forget."

Michelle, who is currently leading National League Division One with four wins from four events, will be going to Spain on a GB training camp at the end of the year.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.