A TEENAGE soldier who loved army life was killed in a road accident while home on leave.

Royal Logistics recruit Tony Davies, aged 18, was believed to have been cycling home from his girlfriend's house when he was involved in the fatal smash on Orford Road.

Family members were devastated by the death of the former Beamont High School pupil, of Smith Drive, Orford, who had just finished his basic training.

Grandmother Joan Davies told the GUARDIAN: "He was always out on his bike - he had passed his driving test a while ago but hadn't got a car yet.

"He was in the Royal Logistics regiment and was home on leave. Being in the army was the only thing he ever wanted to do."

Family friend Kim Heaton added: "He was a really good lad with a lovely personality and had everything going for him."

Parents Vanessa and Keith were too upset to talk about the tragedy as the GUARDIAN went to press.

Police say Tony's bike was in collision with a white Ford Orion, close to Orford Road railway bridge at approximately 11.45pm on Monday night. Tony received fatal injuries and the other driver was treated for shock.

An appeal has gone out for the driver of a white transit van to come forward and contact traffic police.

The motorist was not involved in the crash but could provide vital information about the events leading up to the accident. Witnesses should call police on 652222.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.