YOUNG army doctor Corinna Brookes, pictured above, is helping British troops in Bosnia cope with the sweltering summer heat.

Corinna, aged 25, from Congleton, is a doctor in the Royal Army Medical Corps serving with 5 Field Ambulance in Bosnia.

Cpt Brookes is part of Britain's five thousand-strong contribution to the NATO-led force which is helping to maintain peace and return the country to normality after five years of civil war.

Corinna is working at Banja Luka, where the HQ of the British-led multi-national division is based in a huge metal factory, her main task is to look after the health of the 1,400 NATO troops.

"This is my first tour of Bosnia, and most of the problems I face are things that would normally be dealt with by a GP,'' said Corinna, whose parents Norman and Christine live in Congleton.

"The biggest problem is the heat, but thankfully we have not had any serious casualties.

"Bosnia is a beautiful country, but it's striking how much damage there is. However parts are being rebuilt, and people seem to be settling back down again.''

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