ADVENTUROUS Joanne Barnes is planning the challenge of a lifetime to raise thousands of pounds for people with cerebral palsy.

Joanne, aged 30, aims to trek 100 kilometres across the Himalayas as part of a 100-strong team of charity fund-raisers.

The week-long trek in the Katmandu region of Nepal will involve sleeping under canvas in sub-zero temperatures and altitudes of well above 10,000 feet.

Joanne, from Woolston Avenue, Congleton, needs to raise £3,000 for the trip, which will all go to Scope, the organisers of the trek.

A line dancing event at Congleton Town Hall next month is one of the fund-raising initiatives she is planning to help reach her target.

"I saw the advert for the trek in a Sunday paper, and thought it would be the challenge of a lifetime,'' said Joanne, who works for customs and excise at Manchester Airport.

"Every six hours a child is born with cerebral palsy in Britain, and I know quite a few people with children who have the condition.

"I"m really excited about seeing the Himalayas and meeting the Nepalese people, but am terrified of heights, and will probably keep my eyes shut all the time!''

Joanne flys out to Nepal in February 1999, and anyone who would like to sponsor her please ring 01260-277346.

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