PUB regulars showed how big hearted they were when they raised £1,000 for charity and now the licensees have been rewarded.

Derek and Lorraine Waters, licensees at the Three Pigeons pub in Nantwich had plenty of local support when they held a marathon darts event at their pub.

And the couple have been awarded the Greenalls Inn Partnership Heart of the Community award for their hard work.

The money raised went to help local youngster Sophie Woolgar whose parents, Janet and Ray, wanted to build an extension on their home.

Sophie, aged two, suffers from cerebral palsy and the extension would house sensory equipment to stimulate her muscles and senses.

"Helping children such as Sophie is not difficult when you have the kind of big-hearted locals that Derek and I have," said Lorraine.

The award is designed to recognise licensees and their customers who make a major contribution to the local community.

Derek and Lorraine are pictured with the award and their fund-raising pub goers at The Three Pigeons. Photo supplied.

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