THE recent results of Vale Royal Ladies Golf Club include:

July 5, mid-monthly medal - winner Judy Piper nett 72. Best 30+ Dorothy Gibson nett 81.

August 1, August medal and 1st round club championships - abandoned due to waterlogged greens.

August 8, replay of August medal and 1st round club championships - medal winner Betty Suter nett 70. Best 30+ winner Jo Hulse nett 73.

August 15, mid-monthly medal and 2nd round club championship - medal winner Judy Piper nett 70 on countback with Judy Yankey. Best 30+ Jo Hulse nett 75. Birdies Alison Brandon 14th. Club Champion Helen Foxley Gross 172. Runner-up Alison Brandon gross 177. Best nett Judy Yankey nett 148 (countback). Runner-up Jo Hulse nett 148.

A closely-fought club championship was once again taken to the wire by Foxley and Brandon, with a final surge giving the title to Foxley by five shots in spite of a Brandon birdie on the 14th.

On Saturday, August 29, Lady Captain's Day takes place at Vale Royal Ladies Golf Club.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.