DARNHALL residents are claiming Vale Royal Borough Council is pouring money down the drain by spending thousands of pounds on a footpath that will only be used by cows.

The Winsford householders have hit out at the authority which plans to build a footpath between the Old Star pub and Swanlow Lane Post Office.

They say the public pavement is pointless because there are no houses on that side of the road, only fields.

One resident, Carl Nagaitis, of Swanlow Lane, said: "To tax-payers this is a monumental waste of money.

"There are only fields used by a dairy herd next to where the path is to be built, so the council is probably spending about £500,000 on a path for the animals.

"It will also tempt children to cross the road to look at the cows and this will cause accidents because the road is a race track.

"They are proposing to take back the hedges and widen the road but there is a 30mph limit here and it will just encourage cars to go even faster. It will create a racer's highway.

"It's just pouring money down the drain - a pavement to nowhere. What an absolute joke!"

Bob Wilmer, of Swanlow Lane Post Office, recognised the benefit the path may have for customers visiting his newsagents, but said the money could be better spent.

He explained: "I think there should be speed bumps to slow the traffic down. It goes far too fast.

"It's a problem for mothers trying to cross the road with prams and also pensioners using the post office."

Another resident of Swanlow Lane, Tom Sandbach, added: "A footpath seems a waste of money. It creates a hazard because cars go too fast down this road to be able to cross it.

"Nobody will use it but at least the cows will have something to walk on.

"They would be better spending the money on the road down to St Chad's Church which is in desperate need of repair."

A spokesman from Vale Royal said: "The scheme was drawn up in the 1980s and like many minor improvement schemes it has to join a list. It's eventually made its way to the top.

"Cheshire County Council has authorised the work and we are doing it on their behalf which is creating a footpath between the Old Star pub and the post office. This involves moving some hedges and creating a foot way.

"Before work starts we will be writing to residents nearby informing them of the situation.

"If any residents are unhappy they should contact Vale Royal or Cheshire County Council to voice their concerns."

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