SIXTH formers at Woodford Lodge were in the mood for celebration after picking up their A-level results on Thursday.

A total of 51 passes were gained by 29 pupils, with more than half of them in the A to C range.

Science-mad Phillip Boughey took a large chunk of that figure, scoring a remarkable clean sweep of four straight A grades in Chemistry, Maths, Physics and General Studies.

He will head off to Nottingham University in the autumn to study for a degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Phillip surpassed all expectations in aiming for the three Bs he needed for his course - and at one point he thought he might not even achieve that.

He said: "I thought I might just scrape a B in Chemistry so I was very surprised with an A.

"I chose science subjects because I'm not good at things like English. I don't like writing essays.

"I was a bit nervous about it this morning but up until then I wasn't too bothered."

James Saunders, who only turns 18 today, Wednesday, achieved three As in Biology, Maths and Physics, a B in General Studies and a C in Spanish.

He also spends more time in the lab than the library and is looking forward to taking his place at Bristol University, where he will study for a degree in Chemistry.

He said: "I'd definitely like to do something working in labs, maybe researching in industry.

"I only needed three Cs to get on the course so I wasn't expecting these results."

In many subjects, the results were well above the national average, with all candidates in Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Art, Textiles, Music and Politics gaining a pass grade and more than half of those who took Chemistry, Physics and Maths gaining A grades.

In the lower sixth, 13 pupils who sat the AS-level examinations also achieved outstanding results with an 88 per cent pass rate.

Christopher Coles achieved two As and Scott Brereton achieved one A and one B.

Headteacher Steve Meeks was able to look back on his first year in the post with great satisfaction.

He said: "The joint Winsford sixth form continues to go from strength to strength. During my time as head of sixth form at Woodford Lodge, high achievement was a priority.

"I am delighted to see this tradition continuing."

Woodford Lodge HS results

Philip Badder, A; Sarah Beckett, AD; Phillip Boughey, C, GS, M, Ph, Ph (S level); Simone Bratt, Mu; Kirsty Brown, GS, SS, Psy, Sp*; Laura Clarke, AD; Lucinda Clements, ELi; Stuart Dixon, PE; Stevie Heath, AD; Craig Holland, AD; Rachel Hudson, Ec, ELi, G, GS; Andrew Humphreys, AD; Helen Ingham, A; Simon Jenkins, Ec, GS, M, Ph; Stephen Jones, B*, GS; Gareth Langley, AD; Emily Legg, AD, ADT; Jeanny Luong, AD, Ec, ELi, GS; Katie McCarthy, AD, ADT; Phillip Poole, GS, PE; James Saunders, C, GS, M, Ph, Sp*; Alexander Straker, C, G, GS, Po; Rebecca Walsh, ELi, G, GS, Sp; David Williams, PE; Simon Wilson, PE.

Year 12 AS-Level results: Scott Brereton, C, Ph; Christopher Coles, B, Ph; John Ellison, B, IT; Karen Rattray, B; Harvey Robinson, Ph; John Rollafson, Ph; Laura Sharkey, Po; Christopher Wicksted, IT; Simon Williams, B, Ph; David Young, Ph; Sarah Young, B.

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